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DecentAI offers you the autonomy to choose your own preferred method of authentication. This section will guide you through the sign-in process, designed to accommodate both traditional and web3 user preferences.
Users can authenticate with DecentAI using either their Google or Apple accounts for a familiar sign-in experience.
Alternatively for those seeking increased optionality, users may sign in with a web3 wallet. Currently this must be an EVM compatible wallet (we do not currently support other chains but may do so in the future).
For users opting to sign in using a web3 wallet, the following steps facilitate the process:
Initiate the sign-in process by selecting the 'Connect a Wallet' option on the DecentAI sign-in page.
A connection request will appear in the wallet app of your choice. This can be any web3 wallet including MetaMask, Rainbow, Trust Wallet, among others.
Within your wallet app, confirm the connection to DecentAI, granting the app permission to authenticate your wallet.
To verify the security of your account, DecentAI requires you to sign a one-time message. This action does not incur any cost, nor does it grant DecentAI access to your private keys or funds. It simply proves that you control the wallet. Proceed by tapping “Sign Message.”
Finalize the authentication by signing the message within your wallet app, completing the sign-in process.
For those selecting to sign in with Google or Apple:
Follow the standard sign-in procedure as prompted by the respective service.
Authenticate using your Google or Apple account credentials as usual.
Upon entering a valid invitation code, we will seamlessly generate a wallet for you using Circle's MPC wallet platform and transfer a DecentPass to it.
Upon successful sign-in, regardless of the method, you will be directed to the home screen of DecentAI. Here, you can begin interacting with the AI and exploring the full range of features available to you.